The battle for our children’s minds is currently in tow. We, at KRC, made a decision to fight on the right side, and take action to invest in the hearts and minds of the future of this country. And that begins with teaching the next Generation.
Kern Resource Center is a group of passionate, God fearing, country loving people with the sole purpose of educating the next generation. Our mission is to train up the future leaders of this country. Please join us in this fight!

Our vision is to unite the like-minded families of Kern County by establishing a parallel educational structure. No vaccine mandates, no CRT, and no LGBT propaganda. Come join us in taking back control of our children’s education!

We want to hear from you, please contact us today!

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”