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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kern Resource Center, KRC?

Kern Resource Center is a 501 ( c ) 3 Organization which is incorporated as a not for profit entity. Our mission is to come alongside families and train up the next generation to love God and Country while paving the way for families to take back control of their children’s education. Our founder Melissa Wheeler has homeschooled her children for 13 years. Throughout her experience she realized there was not a program that met all the needs her children had outside of the public educational system. That system gives complete control to the government, indoctrinates children, stifles learning, and takes parental rights. She knew that wasn’t the course she wanted to take to educate her children. Through the calling of the Lord, she decided to formulate a plan to give other families the opportunity to have access to more. The values of Biblical Community and living have been lost since the founding fathers established the United States. God’s vision and urging has opened doors no man can shut and Melissa has answered the call to do just this, create a God and country loving community while training up the children in the way they should go. She desires a community of God glorifying staff to be dedicated servants to the Kingdom and help strengthen this next generation of leaders. 

Is KRC a school?

Kern Resource Center is NOT a school. We are a not for profit resource center. Our goal is to come alongside families to help educate their children. We are a 501 (c) 3 Organization.

What resources does KRC offer?

  • KRC offers instructional resources produced by incredibly passionate and talented Homeschool Coaches. 
  • KRC offers core, elective, and PE classes, which families can opt to take as many or little as they choose.
  • KRC offers an athletics program that may participate in on and off campus activities and events. 
  • KRC will provide a graduation ceremony every year for homeschooled 8th grade graduates and Seniors.
  • KRC will have a book of activities and photographs of participants for a fun collective of the year for participants to reminisce on the memories they experienced.
  • KRC will have regular events to create a community amongst staff and families.
  • KRC will offer various afternoon services along with a program from 2:30pm-5:30pm for working parents. 

Can my child be enrolled in a charter school and participate at Kern Resource Center simultaneously?

Yes, it has been brought to our attention that families have been misinformed. 

They have been told their children can not participate through a charter and take advantage of our enrichment resource programs. This is simply untrue and the charter school/state cannot dictate where homeschooling families spend their time. KRC is a service based non-profit. Because we will not be beholden to the state, KRC does not accept Charter Funds Monday-Thursday for our Academic Resource Program. A family is welcome to pay independently to have their children participate in our resource programs, as this is the same concept of attending an activity or any type of service or enrichment program. Although we differ from these programs in our model, we are providing a service to the community for homeschooled families. We are a Non-Profit and offer a full scope of resources and flexibility.

How much does it cost?

  • KRC Resources for the Academic 2023-2024 year is $5,000 per participant. 

Please see our admissions/tuition page for more details regarding discounts for multiple students, and annual pay.

  • Afternoon program from 2:30-5:30pm cost $200 monthly
  • Other afternoon service costs and scheduling varies, please contact our office at (833) KRC-KERN for further details:

Piano Lessons

Guitar Lessons


Academic Assessments



State Testing

  • Athletics Program Costs will vary by season and age, travel costs, etc. This will range from $200-250/season per enrolled student. KRC is now an associate member with CIF Central Section. This means homeschool students will have an avenue to play in a high school sports league through our independent study program. Our 5th-8th grade sports participants will get to participate in Cal League. Fall 2023, we will offer: Tackle Football, Flag Football and Volleyball.

Athletics will be open to all homeschooling families. For families not enrolled at Kern Resource Center please contact our office for pricing and details.

How do families sign up to see if they qualify for a scholarship?

Families can fill out a scholarship application, contact – Dusti McDaris, for more details.

Are KRC Homeschool Coaches and Staff screened?

KRC Homeschool Coaches and Staff all fill out paperwork which includes their statement of Christian faith and agreement to follow KRC policies and procedures. Homeschool Coaches for core instructional sessions are Credentialed and experienced educators. Elective Homeschool Coaches are not required to be credentialed, but have extensive experience in the area of study. All staff and volunteers must have a background check on file. 

What type of Curriculum will Homeschool Coaches instruct from?

As a collaborative effort the Director and Homeschool Coaches have come up with a Christian Worldview Curriculum, see our Academics Tab for expanded details.

English: Lamplighter Publishing/Somewhat eclectic, but will focus on reading, writing, character building; we will also read aloud to under 5th grade.

Math: Will vary by age. Money management course to be offered to high school.

Is there a dress code for participants on Campus?

Kern Resource Center will not allow clothing distractions to other participants and feel that being modest and having uniforms is in the best interest of all families.  KRC will provide tops and parents will provide the bottoms. Staff will also wear uniforms. With registration; four polo shirts, one t-shirt,  and one hooded sweatshirt  will be provided. Acceptable bottoms can be jeans, khakis, or shorts for boys. Girls may wear any of the aforementioned, and may also wear skirts. All shorts and/or skirts must have a 5” inseam. No holy bottoms, no leggings, no sweatpants, and no bike shorts will be allowed. Students requiring a dress change will be sent to the resource office to wait for a parent or guardian to bring alternate clothing.

What do I need to purchase for my student(s)?


ThreeRing Binder

#2 Pencils

Pocket Folder


Does KRC staff supervise my children while they are on campus?

  • KRC will only be responsible to supervise participants who are registered for our program. Our services are offered 8:30am-2:30pm, and various individual/group programs from 2:30pm-5:30pm. 
  • KRC parent volunteers may be on campus to perform various functions such as program assistance, coordinating and supervising clubs, activities, performing library and secretarial duties, and overseeing lunch and recess. For participant safety concerns, KRC will not allow parents to leave their children on campus unattended (not participating in instruction sessions), or for the children to be allowed to leave campus unattended. 

What if my child needs to stay on campus for an instructional session later in the day?

KRC is not a school. We provide a campus and educational resources to aid homeschooling families where Homeschool Coaches can instruct subject matter to program participants. There is no provision for unsupervised participants to remain on campus after 2:30pm unless the family has signed a participant up for the afternoon program at an additional cost from 2:30pm-5:30pm. KRC does not have staff to monitor these students, and therefore cannot be responsible for their safety. If parents are not able to pick them up, they should make arrangements, and notify our office, to release their student(s) to a responsible adult for pick-up. Students should not be on campus unless they are in an instructional resource session, or with a parent/guardian.

My children will be participating in the resources all day. Will they have access to meals on campus?

All Children will be given an opportunity to eat Lunch. KRC at this time does not offer hot lunch options. All Children will need to bring a sack lunch. In the event they do not have a sack lunch, Parents will be charged a flat rate of $10.00. The child will be provided a varying type of meal, including a protein, vegetable, snack item and a drink. These meals will vary.

How can I sign up for these Resources?

Open Enrollment has closed as of May 31, 2023. We will still be accepting enrollment for respective grades that have room in the class for Fall 2023. You can visit our website and click Enroll Now to follow the registration process.

Where is the KRC office and campus located?

Our new location for Fall 2023 will be 12000 Olive Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93312.

How can I receive updated KRC information and announcements?

Our administration office will send out regular notifications by email. To get on the distribution list, sign up on our website or email The KRC website, is also updated as events and meetings are scheduled!

What is KRC’s Contact Information?




How does KRC select to hire staff and volunteers? How may I apply to work at KRC?

KRC does hire qualified staff to perform operational duties at our Non-Profit Organization. Please contact us for a list of qualifications and any other information needed. All of our staff positions have been filled at this time, however, if you would like to volunteer at KRC, we value your interest and ask you to reach out soon! Please email inquiries to: