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It’s a Principle of Freedom

A​ccording to Merriam-Webster the definition of freedom is: The quality or state of being free such as the absence of coercion or constraint in choice or action, liberation from restraint or from the power of another, a political right.

P​arents are concerned with the amount of freedom there is in K-12 public education. There has been a rise in concern since the pandemic started. Now, parents who have never even thought of homeschooling or alternative education are now researching their options. The most difficult part about transitioning out of the norm is figuring out if you are alone or can have a support group. An uncontrolled study via social media questionnaire surveyed Kern County community members on their view point of freedom within K-12 Education. This survey was publicly shared and encouraged to be filled out by anyone, but each participant was limited to one response. The significance of this study is to show that parents who are on the fence of switching from public school to alternative education aren’t alone in their mindset and that there is a group of other parents with the same concerns.

5​4 Survey Participants: diverse group of male and female, identified parents or grandparents, 13 out of 54 indicated they have been or are currently a school employee, the youngest surveyed age was documented at 25 years old with the eldest being 73 years old.

Survey Question: How do you define freedom in K-12 public schooling?

 15 highlighted responses from the survey are posted below:

  1. Schools respecting parents’ rights to be in charge of their child in all things, including education and medical. No indoctrination.
  2. Parent involvement is freedom.
  3. Giving students the information they need, and leaving ethics to be taught by parents.
  4. A concentration on basic academic skills. Not social experimentation.
  5. No masks, no testing for covid, freedom for parents to know and approve or opt out of all content.
  6. Letting kids be kids and enriching them through real education, not woke ideology.
  7. Learning about all things, even if you don’t agree with them. Religious history is already taught in school so your idea that God needs to be in school is against the first amendment.
  8. Having choices in institutions with different teaching styles. Children don’t all fit in one box and schools should accommodate this.
  9. Public schools do not have what I consider to be freedom.
  10. Freedom from the state on policy, curriculum, & putting control back with local districts and families.
  11. All children have the right to a free and appropriate public education. Parents should have opportunities to make academic decisions for their children and weigh in on school policy.
  12. Rights of parents to have their children educated without prejudice and in accordance to good moral beliefs.
  13. The parents are allowed and encouraged to be involved in their child’s education and classroom. The Bible is discussed and taught in school from a Christian perspective and prayer is allowed in schools.
  14. Freedom from government overreach.
  15. This is a difficult to answer because freedom can mean a lot of different things. To me, freedom in a public school means that families of all belief systems can have their kids be taught the basics. Math English etc… unfortunately our schools are limiting freedoms because they are teaching belief systems and social ideals that should not be part of a basic education.

The purpose of this survey was to hear our community voices, and it is clear there is a hunger for parental involvement and choice within education. If you have been flustered that you may be the only one feeling like school isn’t what it used to be, you want a change and don’t know know what route to take you aren’t alone! Many other people from varying ages are noticing the need for positive change in education and 13/54 participants are coming from association with public school. Consider Kern Resource Center as an education option to get you what you have been desiring. It’s the vibe of a traditional public schooling but with desired parent involvement, curriculum transparency, structured discipline, and positive role models. KRC is staffed with a group of God & Country loving grass rooted people who are making that positive change you are so hungry to see. Parents, you will be with KRC every step of the way. You will not be silenced, you will not be forced to stay in your car because you haven’t completed a covid test, your presence and thoughts matter to us. We are here for you!

I was a public school teacher for a handful of years and parents were known to make teaching more complicated. It seemed to be a very us teachers against them mentality. I don’t believe in that! I believe we should be all connected and respectfully working together to provide the best support and growth system for our adolescents and future of America. I also am willing to state that no one at this education center wants a division either. In fact, I am willing to say the Homeschool Coaches are hungry for parent satisfaction and to finally be able to connect with families.

Take control of your child’s education now because a change starts with you. Join us this fall!

Secure your spot is now open! Enrollment begins July 4th!

Questions call us (833) KRC-KERN or email

Reference survey data sheet