Freedom comes with responsibilities. Like a parent’s
responsibility to determine how to best serve the health
and welfare of their children.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not
be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua
A lot has changed over the last 30 months. The speed at which these changes have
taken place has, quite frankly, been scary. Particularly those changes that interfere
with a parent’s sovereign right to decide what is in the best interest of their

According to California’s Senate Bill 871, any public or private “elementary or
secondary school” is prohibited by California law to admit a student who has not
been “fully immunized against various diseases…deemed appropriate by the State
Department of Public Health, as specified.”
“As specified” now includes COVID-19 – as well as any other disease “deemed
appropriate” in the future. This means that California’s SDPH can, at their
discretion – without any further legislative review- add to the list of diseases that
your child must be vaccinated against before admission to any public, private, or
charter school in the state. (Full text of SB 871 can be accessed here)
At Kern Resource Center, a homeschool parallel education entity, there are NO
mask requirements, NO vaccine dictates for any of the diseases “deemed
appropriate” by health “experts.” It is the choice of the parents to determine
whether to vaccinate their children, or whether their children wear a mask.
All are welcome. And when it comes to responsible choices regarding your child’s
education and well-being, we believe that Kern Resource Center is one of the best
choices a parent can make.
Each KRC classroom is limited to 25 students, so call Dusti McDaris at 833-
KRC-KERN now to reserve your child’s K-12 education future while spaces are
still available. We look forward to meeting with you.